Monika Haussamann, alias Frank Jordan, born 1974 in Bern, Switzerland, studied Business Studies following a commercial apprenticeship. Thereafter training in PR and print journalism. While studying and writing, she worked as waitress in a Swiss ski resort, as gardener and house sitter, as receptionist in a prestigious Paris hotel and as decorator. Recently she has worked as freelance communications and media consultant in Switzerland. Today Monika Hausamman lives in France as part time self supporter, entrepreneur of house and garden maintanance, columnist and author. Her first novel was published in 2016: Frank Jordan, Die Ministerin. Kein Fall für Carl Brun (Lichtschlag-Verlag).
Collectivist ideas result from narcissism of people who have ‘progressively’ detached and ‘emancipated’ themselves from all that has been tried and tested.
The key is not to avoid suffering, but to transcend it.
A friend feels nauseous regarding the behavior of his fellow human beings.
'Moral supremacy' is dangerous and stupid.
If you walk in the rain, your vision restricted by a raised hood, it's easy to overlook and overhear oncoming traffic. It would be wise to be extra vigilant.
Without belief in God, we become just a welfare-state people.
They know that their window of opportunity is closing.
Have you laughed yet today? Or cried? No? Read the following. Then both will happen automatically. Simultaneously.
Europeans and others of Christian, Jewish and otherwise ‘false’ faiths will continue to be slaughtered in the future not for what they, or their fathers, have done, or are doing, but exclusively for what they are: Unbelievers, in the sense of the Koran.