Frank Jordan

Monika Haussamann, alias Frank Jordan, born 1974 in Bern, Switzerland, studied Business Studies following a commercial apprenticeship. Thereafter training in PR and print journalism. While studying and writing, she worked as waitress in a Swiss ski resort, as gardener and house sitter, as receptionist in a prestigious Paris hotel and as decorator. Recently she has worked as freelance communications and media consultant in Switzerland. Today Monika Hausamman lives in France as part time self supporter, entrepreneur of house and garden maintanance, columnist and author. Her first novel was published in 2016: Frank Jordan, Die Ministerin. Kein Fall für Carl Brun (Lichtschlag-Verlag).

Source: shutterstock Will lead to success: discipline

Effects of unconditional basic income:No Suffering, No Life

Eliminating it means depriving humans of the chance of happiness

Fulfilled, happy, successful people differ from vicious, bitter, envious and sluggish people mostly not because of talent and certainly not because of ‘circumstances,’ but because of discipline. But discipline means suffering.

Every job, every project – be it artistic, business, social or everything together – brings with it a long dry spell. The beginning is rarely a problem. In the beginning, energy, enthusiasm and plans are never lacking. But soon the honeymoon period is over, and then it's time to hold on, carry on, and overcome. To shed feathers, bleed, get bored (even that!), puke with fear (sorry!). That is suffering. It can take years for a breakthrough to emerge, for it to pay off, for you to make it to the championship or simply be good, for you to earn recognition.

That's hard. But it’s life in its fullness. It’s what it means to be completely human. Dignity. Anyone who wants to ‘make life easier’ for people via an unconditional basic income – no matter how well it’s meant – deprives them of the chance of happiness. It’s also the reason why large fortunes are usually lost at the latest after four generations.

They do exist – but only very few are called upon to make their mark, even when things get tough, without a ‘wage.’ Humans unite within themselves the contradiction that on the one hand they want to avoid suffering, but on the other, they only find real fulfilment if they transcend suffering and thus their weaknesses.

Those who want to ‘eliminate’ this create bored, sluggish, lazy, envious and dissatisfied people. They say “happiness,” “dignity,” “self-realization,” and achieve half-humans who never reach their potential in life. Only half-alive and already half-dead.

Translated from eigentümlich frei, where the original article was published on April 14th 2019.

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