Eva-Maria Michels, born 1976 in West Germany, married, four children, previously self-employed in the field of market research and analysis, living in France since 2004. After training as a European secretary she graduated in political science, modern China studies and history from the universities of Trier, Germany, and Taipei, Taiwan.
Some women are brainwashed victims of the contemporary ecological ideology that has been circulating in the Western world.
"The place is going to blow up", warned a French parlamentarian five years ago.
The new diesel tax was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Western society is at a dead end. Time to turn back, says Marion Maréchal. The ex-politician has founded a college whose mottos are ‘excellence,’ ‘ethics,’ ‘responsibility,’ ‘rootedness’ and ‘commitment to the service of others and one's own country.’
There are coincidences in life that are so coincidental that even the casual observer is surprised how coincidental the coincidences are.
Paris has always had rats. But in the past two years, they have experienced a demographic boom. We don't have to look far to find out why.