Prestigious prize:Lew Rockwell wins the ‘Roland Baader Award 2018’
German ‘Institut für Austrian Asset Management’ (IfAAM) honors a great American

A significant and symbolic moment in the history of German and American libertarianism.

Civic anarchism:The Spectre of Secession
What’s haunting Europe?

When people want something completely innocent like a secession, strange things happen.

Endangered Gestures:The Kiss on the Hand
Disappearing along with hierarchies, order and politeness

The greeting ritual has been replaced by something ‘pseudo-democratic.’

The Frankfurt School and the New Left:Sorcerer's Apprentices and Hobgoblins
And the 'terrible waters' they have wrought since 1968.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's poem of 1797 warned of endless cultural terrorism arising from the French Revolution.

Hygiene deficiency in Paris:Of Rats and Other Vermin
How the Left turns a glorious city into a 'sh*thole'

Paris has always had rats. But in the past two years, they have experienced a demographic boom. We don't have to look far to find out why.

Government formation:The Grand Coalition is Coming - and that is Good
The Left are nearly split, the AfD leads the opposition

While two hollowed out, crumbling establishment cartel parties are coming together (again), the Greens are outmaneuvered, and new forces are rising.

Martin Sellner:The Coming to Pass of Alexis de Tocqueville's Prediction
In 200 years sadistic hacks perfected their method – only the free market can help

In the face of ostracism and persecution by the establishment and their goons, the Austrian 'Identitarian' retains his moral courage.

Jubilee ‘eigentümlich frei’ conference:Independent Thinkers Still Exist!
Laughing. Dancing. Debating.

Libertarians celebrate the 20th anniversary of their leading journal in an increasingly stifling Germany.

Living as a migrant in China:Taxes, Not Integration
The cost-benefit analysis is all that counts

What's all this fuss about 'integration'? In China, foreigners are simply tolerated - as long as they have no deadly disease and observe the rules.

Hope in Eastern Europe:Will the Old Cold War Divide Save the Continent?
The only option we’re left with

In the face of massive non-European immigration in the west, the region's cultural identity could be maintained east of the river Elbe.

A German diary:An educated workman - it’s cool to be on TV - porn pop
Diary extracts recording the day-to-day life of a mother of seven, publisher’s wife and alt-right author living in an east German village

A new series.

Down’s Syndrome:Hannah from Pinneberg
Nowadays usually aborted, those who survive receive the ‘Severely-OK-stamp’

What does it say about a society, when it is happy to allow the abortion of babies with Down's syndrome but awards the survivors of pregnancy a 'pass for the severely OK'?

The Political Philosophy of Zombies:Questions of Life and Death
‘The Walking Dead’ as science fiction, neo-western and road movie

How, after a total collapse of civilization, do people act and reorganize societies under the worst conditions? The answer depends on your political outlook.

Observing illegal immigration:'Identitarians' make Leviathan jump
The IM produces practical wheat, but theoretical chaff only so far

While achieving a stunning success in the Mediterranean, the Identitarian Movement's political theory is still unclear.

Islamist Violence in Europe:Terrorism? No, Genocide
Terrorists have political aims

Europeans and others of Christian, Jewish and otherwise ‘false’ faiths will continue to be slaughtered in the future not for what they, or their fathers, have done, or are doing, but exclusively for what they are: Unbelievers, in the sense of the Koran.

Traveling Through the American South:The Confederacy Lives
Possibly, someday, as an (anti-)political counter project again

The contrasts between rich and poor are omnipresent – but no one really cares. Americans often live next to each other in villas and shacks. They don't know envy. This is one of the reasons why they are almost all so pleasantly apolitical.

Book Ban:A Fortress Called Amazon
How to Avoid Uncomfortable Questions banned from direct sale all books of one particular publisher. The internet trading giant has otherwise no scruples in distributing the most deviant publications to its clients, from extreme left wing propaganda concoctions to pornographic trash. So the reason for this particular ban must be pretty rock solid, right? Right?

A Warning from Hamburg:Germany on Slippery Slope to Failed State
On the G-20 summit and peak gall

Everything that's happened in Hamburg has already been happening for years. In many German cities, cars have been torched for years, unpopular representatives' offices and homes have been attacked.

Concealed Censorship:A Castle Called Google
A Kafkasque Dialog

The author tried to find out why some websites had suddenly disappeared from Google News. The answers he received in his dialog with the internet giant are reminiscent of the bizarre short stories of the great novelist Franz Kafka. A reputable company that has written openness and transparency on its banners doesn’t act with such trickery and deviousness. Or does it?

Education policy:Development of Schools Without State Would Have Been Possible
The Legacy of August Hermann Francke

In retrospect, Francke's apolitical attitude is staggering and, transposed to the modern day, quite revolutionary.

European criticism of Trump:Loser Leaders and Carefree Rogues
Mass immigration will put an end to efficiency

Donald Trump has told European leaders that they are unable to protect their continent, neither from Islamic terrorism nor from the seizure of land by Africans and people from the Middle East, and the assembled loser leaders are angry.

Violence in France and Migration into Europe:Peace Doves Grilled on the Barricades
The Fist Replaces the Referral Notification

If Europe, her borders, her values and her legal system do not physically resist this challenge, it will also mentally implode.

Earth Day:Day of Global Gaga
On Lenin's birthday a day of struggle against capitalism

Like so much in this field, the official German Earth Day website is not only unintentionally funny, but also completely off the mark.

The Film ‘Inglorious Basterds’:Kosher Revenge Porn
On revoking the mourning's solidarity with the dead

There is a sinister reason for the movie’s popularity in Germany. Here, the living have revoked a fundamental solidarity with the dead. A solidarity exemplified by ancient Greek dramatic heroine Antigone.

Election in Germany 2017:Insurgent AfD Wins Gold
But not even they will stop our ‘creeping socialism’

What do the results of the recent elections in Germany mean? Who is the real winner? And who the real loser?

Libertarian observations at the tail end of the Merkel era.