Running with the crowd is the new rebelliousness.
People could be infected by Dürer's view of the truth and suddenly see the world as it is and not as they are being led to believe.
We don’t like to be reminded of the final farewell.
The British author should not be left fighting on his own.
Collectivist ideas result from narcissism of people who have ‘progressively’ detached and ‘emancipated’ themselves from all that has been tried and tested.
These aren't rebels, they're conformists.
The East Germans learned over decades to mistrust their media and to read between the lines. The West Germans never did.
If everything is relative, drinking becomes dangerous.
Grace can only be said where there is still a commonly used table.
The key is not to avoid suffering, but to transcend it.
Some migrants, and some Germans with migrant background, believe they are owed positive discrimination.
Requesting to treat the “terrible situation” with respect and to trust that the judiciary will ensure justice sounds almost like mockery.
A friend feels nauseous regarding the behavior of his fellow human beings.
There are countless designated special UN days in support of even the most ridiculous causes.
Immigration to Germany is concentrated primarily on the low-skilled, because they do not appear at all as serious competitors for the left-liberal middle class.
Criticising the Swedish girl is sacrilege for some.
Only a temporary life offers the possibility to value anything at all.
The creator of the Property and Freedom Society reaches a large audience beyond academic circles.
Not free citizens.
Today, we listen to Spotify instead . . .
'Moral supremacy' is dangerous and stupid.
Baby boomers in charge of Germany today display a worrying lack of maturity in intellect and character.
Silent witnesses of nocturnal escapades are disappearing from view.
A bizarre real life scene, reflecting the cultural and intellectual ossification in Germany.
Perpetrators present themselves and conquerors.