False narrative about ‘elites vs. the left-behind’:Fake Globalists
It’s easy to be post-national while being drip-fed by the state

Immigration to Germany is concentrated primarily on the low-skilled, because they do not appear at all as serious competitors for the left-liberal middle class.

‘Climate Greta’:Beware of False Prophets
The current civil religion has found an idol for itself

Criticising the Swedish girl is sacrilege for some.

Life and all that:Calendar Mottos and Other Random Pearls of Wisdom
A kind of literary fruit salad

Only a temporary life offers the possibility to value anything at all.

Brexit:A Country Divided
The UK will eventually regain its national sovereignty, one way or another

Dissatisfaction with Brussels will continue to get louder all over the continent.

On Angela Merkel and her style of politics:History is Returning
The “first green Chancellor” is finished – as is her system

Merkel was the right leader for a society that believed itself to be at the end of history. Those days are definitely over.

Prestigious prize:Hans-Hermann Hoppe wins Roland Baader Award 2019
Thanks to the interdisciplinary academic, the Austrian School of Economics is taking root in Europe

The creator of the Property and Freedom Society reaches a large audience beyond academic circles.

A guide to realism:The Alternative to Manic-Depressive Insanity
Disillusion yourself, before life does it for you

Naivety and goodness of heart often go together, as do cynicism and intelligence. It's the balance between these two extremes that matters.

Endangered gestures:Singing While You Work
For rhythmical co-ordination and other reasons

Today, we listen to Spotify instead . . .

Dangerous do-gooders:Moral Supremacy
Moral competence only emerges through voluntary assumption of responsibility

'Moral supremacy' is dangerous and stupid.

Political power structures:Preferring to Discuss Blood Sausage
A brainless Huxley reality may become a brutal Orwell reality

The gap between quantity and quality of the political discourse is wide.

Looking back at 2018:News from the Madhouse
In Germany, insanity has become official policy

A leading politician suggests a points system for crime. According to it, after 60 (!) thefts a migrant could be deported. One manslaughter might be insufficient.

‘The Atoners’:Psychoses in the Emotionally Guided Hippie State
Germany today suffers under “moralistic infantilization”

Baby boomers in charge of Germany today display a worrying lack of maturity in intellect and character.

Award-winning fake news at ‘Der Spiegel’:The ‘Entitlement’ to Lie
The main cause is a strong and all-pervading, interfering state

Many journalists imagine themselves being philosopher kings, allowed to tell 'noble lies'.

Marginalia:Fascists, Fascists Everywhere!
On an unfortunate, ongoing triumph

Stalin issued the first rule of political correctness: All opponents of socialism were to be labeled ‘fascists’ only.

The German Right:Under Permanent Stress
Persecuted by political opponents, the media, and incited thugs

From whence should a society of hangers-on possibly draw the strength to resist?

Endangered gestures:Airing Clothes
No more need for purification

Silent witnesses of nocturnal escapades are disappearing from view.

Civil unrest in France:Revolt of the Ordinary People
Who are the Gilets Jaunes?

The new diesel tax was the straw that broke the camel's back.

The state of the nation:Jamboree in the House of Europe
25 Years after the Maastricht Treaty created the EU, the political experiment is visibly failing

Like a wandering dune, the growing European construct continues to crunch its way across the continent.

A German diary:Lifeless Train Chatter
Scared of the AfD, scared of migrants, scared of life

A bizarre real life scene, reflecting the cultural and intellectual ossification in Germany.

What we can be really proud of:The German Tradition of Freedom
The case for libertarian patriotism

A brilliant, decentralized urban culture.

Freiburg and the dimension of sexual violence:Defenseless Prey
The majority of Germans don’t understand their situation

Perpetrators present themselves and conquerors.

‘Grand Prize for SMEs’:Celebrating Entrepreneurial Success
An all too rare event in Germany

The contrast between the consistently observable lack of vanity of the participants on the one hand and the excellence of their work on the other could hardly have been greater.

Marginalia:Environmentalism as Romantic Reaction
Concerning a human alternative to politicized ecology

Blame Jean-Jacques Rousseau for ‘Deep Ecology,’ which equates humans with mosquitoes and ultimately calls for mass suicide.