Thank you and goodbye.
It would be a mistake to assume that we’ve already seen the worst of it when it comes to monetary interventions.
Running with the crowd is the new rebelliousness.
People could be infected by Dürer's view of the truth and suddenly see the world as it is and not as they are being led to believe.
We don’t like to be reminded of the final farewell.
The question is not whether the next attack is coming, but when.
The British author should not be left fighting on his own.
The doyen of Austrian Economics recalls how and why he rejected the logical positivism of Karl Popper and adopted the apriorism of Ludwig von Mises instead.
On top of monetary excesses, the road is now being paved for fiscal ones too.
Now we know: The climate is being operated from Potsdam, Germany.
Collectivist ideas result from narcissism of people who have ‘progressively’ detached and ‘emancipated’ themselves from all that has been tried and tested.
The communist leaders who returned to the East Zone from Soviet exile in 1945 to bring socialism to Germany knew from their own experience that the Stalinist system was a murderous one. Nevertheless, they acted as his satraps.
These aren't rebels, they're conformists.
The politicians are not interested in your welfare
The East Germans learned over decades to mistrust their media and to read between the lines. The West Germans never did.
Imagine there’s public radio and television and nobody’s tuning in anymore!
It’s not unusual to find conservative contemporaries who complain that culture has been going downhill since the French Revolution, and then complain about welfare reforms and demand higher social benefits, without being aware of the contradiction or even comedy of this attitude.
Slogans like “Complete the turnaround!” and “Then as now. We are the people” evoke associations with the upheaval of 1989.
The worst visitations often come in the guise of supposed harmlessness.
Merkel’s CDU is no longer the party of Adenauer and Kohl. It’s a chimera.
If everything is relative, drinking becomes dangerous.
Germany is now “largely isolated and hated” again.
German hyper-morality, born as a reaction against the amoral Nazi past, has turned into a turned into a “moral imperialism”.
Editorial for this summer’s double edition of eigentümlich frei
Germany is releasing its neo-totalitarian potential.