André F. Lichtschlag, born 1968 in West Germany, is founder and editor-in-chief of the journal ‘eigentümlich frei’ and publisher (ef and Lichtschlag Buchverlag). Winner of the Roland-Baader-Prize (Roland-Baader-Auszeichnung) of 2015.
Imagine there’s public radio and television and nobody’s tuning in anymore!
Editorial for this summer’s double edition of eigentümlich frei
There are countless designated special UN days in support of even the most ridiculous causes.
A change at the top does not improve politics. But then, what does?
Culturally, the US are more divided than Europe. And less.
A lot, as it turns out.
How, after a total collapse of civilization, do people act and reorganize societies under the worst conditions? The answer depends on your political outlook.
The contrasts between rich and poor are omnipresent – but no one really cares. Americans often live next to each other in villas and shacks. They don't know envy. This is one of the reasons why they are almost all so pleasantly apolitical.
What do the results of the recent elections in Germany mean? Who is the real winner? And who the real loser?
Libertarian observations at the tail end of the Merkel era.