Mindset control in the asylum crisis:Rape Victim’s Fear of Being Stigmatized as Nazis
Yesterday morning a friend sent me an article from the ‘Thüringer Allgemeine’ newspaper about a rape victim, who had been silent about the crime for almost a year for fear of social stigmatization. His comment: “How far will the mindset control go if a victim remains silent for (such) a long time because she fears being berated as a Nazi – I’ve had enough!”
Yes, even more worrying than the fact that in the course of the ‘welcome policy’ of our Chancellor and her adherents, hundreds of thousands of young men from misogynistic cultures were, and still are, allowed into the country, is the prescribed treatment of them. We are never to criticise or condemn their behavior or their actions. Anyone who does so nonetheless is a xenophobe or a Nazi. This gives these men a kind of carte blanche to behave as they please. Even criminals do not have to fear that their asylum procedure will be threatened. Anyone who resists deportation will remain here. Those who accepted money for their departure and then return again, may file a new asylum application. If a criminal ends up in court, he can hope for a kind of cultural discount, because, in the opinion of some judges, he could not have known that women are not fair game in our country.
On New Year's Eve 2015 there were over 600 victims on the infamous Cologne Cathedral square, but only three men were convicted (two of them were given suspended sentences). This is the so-called ‘firmness of the rule of law!’ When a young woman, like the above Jena student, who was raped by three men, remains silent for a long time for fear of being publicly labeled as a xenophobe or Nazi, it says something about how far our society has already drifted in the direction of a thought-crime dictatorship.
A few days ago, another young girl was killed in the city of Worms with several stab wounds. The suspect has been in Germany since October 2017 and had no permanent residence. He had applied for asylum, but it was rejected. The perpetrator no longer had a residence permit, he was wanted because he was to be deported. Once again, the perpetrator was known to the police. In 2018 he had served a three-week prison sentence for theft. He was also investigated for assault and bodily injury, and for violating the Narcotics Act. This is a fairly common perpetrator profile, but obviously consequences are not drawn from it.
In this situation, the request by the Worms mayor, a member of the SPD, to treat the “terrible situation” with respect and to trust that the judiciary will ensure justice is well-intentioned, but sounds almost like mockery. The perpetrator was the victim’s boyfriend. Why are young women not warned that young men from misogynistic cultures have a different perception of women than we do? That they are regarded as property and are not allowed to split up with their owner? When a responsible pedagogue, the headmaster Dr. Jürgen Mannke from the state of Saxony-Anhalt, tried this, he was publicly denounced and fired. According to the Maoist motto ‘Punish one, educate hundreds,’ a successful example was set with Mannke. Obviously, no pedagogue dares to warn against the imported misogyny any more. Many victims and their relatives also remain silent for fear of stigmatization.
The question is how long can a society endure such conditions, without finally and permanently breaking.
Translated from eigentümlich frei, where the original article was published on March 14th 2019.