Frank Jordan

Monika Haussamann, alias Frank Jordan, born 1974 in Bern, Switzerland, studied Business Studies following a commercial apprenticeship. Thereafter training in PR and print journalism. While studying and writing, she worked as waitress in a Swiss ski resort, as gardener and house sitter, as receptionist in a prestigious Paris hotel and as decorator. Recently she has worked as freelance communications and media consultant in Switzerland. Today Monika Hausamman lives in France as part time self supporter, entrepreneur of house and garden maintanance, columnist and author. Her first novel was published in 2016: Frank Jordan, Die Ministerin. Kein Fall für Carl Brun (Lichtschlag-Verlag).

Source: shutterstock Just a feeling: Moral superiority

Dangerous do-gooders:Moral Supremacy

Moral competence only emerges through voluntary assumption of responsibility

In my opinion everything relating to ‘white supremacy’ is stupid – the thought behind the idea, as well as its artificial and hysterical elevation to bogeyman number one these days.

What is much more dangerous for our social cohesion, because it comes across so harmlessly, because it wants the ‘good’ and because it is pushed by the media and politics as the new ‘normal’ is a kind of ‘moral supremacy’ – people who believe they are morally superior to others because of their opinions, their desires for society and their feelings, which gives them the right to be able to demand everything they perceive as ‘good’ from everyone else and to shout down everybody as ‘evil’ and to spin them through the social mincer, if they have a different opinion.

This becomes really dangerous when it’s combined with belonging to a group and morality becomes a ‘group morality’ under the mantle of which anyone can hide. Such ‘morality’ can turn into terror at any time while feeling good about itself.

Meanwhile, this ‘moral supremacy’ is characterized by exactly the same thing as its race-centered sister: stupidity. Because although almost all of us know about our own inadequacy, none of us believe that we are ‘evil’ per se, and certainly not that we want ‘evil’. Rather, we all basically believe that we are good, that we want the best, or at least that we’ll try. So there can be no such thing as moral superiority. And above all: feeling, empathizing, being compassionate, wanting to help, wishing for the best and demanding help are not moral values in themselves and do not establish any kind of superiority. Nor are they a sign of competence in any matter. They acquire moral value and they can only become competence at best and only if someone takes responsibility, acts and pays for it – with money, time and energy. Personally. Voluntarily.

Everything else remains out-of-touch weepiness, a commitment that is confined to demanding and condemning and which accomplishes the same as everything else that remains in the affective: nothing, apart from another feeling: that of being on the right side, which, beyond a certain point, justifies everything.

Translated from eigentümlich frei, where the original article was published on January 27th 2019.

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